Comedy drama by Lynne Truss set on a rainy Welsh golf course where just about anything can lead to a fatal mistake. Stars Margaret John, Brian Hibbard, Tom Allen, Lynne Seymour, Lee Mengo and Howell Evans

The characters in Lynne Truss’s new comedy drama live under the shadow of The Rock, an impressively large geological feature at a remote Golf Club in Wales, where it has been raining for twenty years. There’s the severely repressed Angharad, ‘Mad’ Auntie Susan, who is clearly a man, Riddle, the disgusting old greenkeeper, and poor long suffering Charles who has devoted his life to saving each and every one of the club’s members from an untimely death, only to fail.

At this Club it’s easy to make a fatal mistake, all you have to do is break one of the rules. Inadvertently enter the wrong score on your partner’s scorecard, or let your wife order her own drink at the bar and you’ll probably be spikes up by tea-time. And when Jaci Hughes the young cartographer from distant Cardiff turns up, all manner of skeletons come rattling out of the closet.