Follow the Rabbit is a brand new comedy series following Chris Relish, an amateur paranormal investigator and podcast maker who is on a mission to prove the existence of supernatural forces after claiming he’s had a romantic experience with a ghost.

In the first episode of his podcast, Chris interviews a local hoarder called Sherry who claims a poltergeist tidied her house to get her attention. Sherry says the poltergeist (known as Ryan) communicates with her using fridge magnets, so Chris agrees to set up cameras in her house in the hope of capturing evidence. Chris also meets sceptic and psychologist, Dr Jeremy Morgan, in an attempt to debunk any rational explanations.

The subject of this episode is Wes, a local nerd who believes his recently deceased girlfriend, Elizabeth Weaver, is haunting him and preventing him from moving on. Wes wants to make contact with Elizabeth to find out what she wants and give her the closure she needs. Chris enlists the help of parapsychologist and medium, Ophelia Winter. The three of them visit Elizabeth’s grave, performing a séance in an attempt to break through.

The subject of this episode is Wes, a local nerd who believes his recently deceased girlfriend, Elizabeth Weaver, is haunting him and preventing him from moving on. Wes wants to make contact with Elizabeth to find out what she wants and give her the closure she needs. Chris enlists the help of parapsychologist and medium, Ophelia Winter. The three of them visit Elizabeth’s grave, performing a séance in an attempt to break through.

In this episode, Chris meets Jade, a local woman who says she’s got a tiny demon living in a biscuit tin. The demon speaks to Jade in her dreams and asks her to keep the tin supplied with biscuits until it can gather enough energy to leave. But it’s becoming too powerful and making Jade feed it dogs and bite people in the street. Chris hopes to capture evidence so they perform an ancient ritual in an attempt to coax the troublesome entity out of the tin.

Chris is struggling to find paranormal proof and is feeling sorry for himself. But when his mum tells him about a haunted local hotel, he is thrust into an exciting new case. The hotel is owned by Philip and Jasper. Philip denies the hotel is haunted but Jasper is convinced paranormal activity is occurring – with several claims from guests backing him up. Chris is about to begin his investigation when he bumps into Danny Robins, who is at the hotel doing his own investigation. But who will be the first to find the ghost?