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Things similar to cabin pressure

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Hi all

Are there any other shows similar to cabin pressure? 


Similar... An airplane comedy. then no.

Similar as extremely well written and funny the yes. 

Hut 33, Old Harry's Game, Deep Trouble, Elven quest, Inspector Stein, Absolute Power to name a few.

These above are a good place to start I think. Not unless someone has any other suggestions.

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Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Fags, Mags and Bags

Giles Wemmbley-Hogg Goes Off

When the Dog Dies

Revolting People

The Maltby Collection

Rudy's Rare Records

Dad's Army

... The site is overflowing with hilarious sitcoms

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I adore radio sitcoms and a few of my favourites are


robin and Wendy’s wet weekends 

plum house 

People like us 

Alison and maud 

sam Simmons is  not a people person 


and loads more including the gentle ‘after Henry’ and the very ludicrous ‘men from the ministry’

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thank you all!

The closest thing in quality to Cabin Pressure would be Think the Unthinkable, for me.


Think The Unthinkable

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Also, Rigor Mortis is superb.

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Thinking about comedy shows this morning and I highly recommend a Canadian comedy called CANADIA 2056. It has a bigger crew than Cabin Pressure with their idiosyncrasies. Sexy computer thrown in as well. It's quite brilliant.

Quote from kid curry on 01/04/2023, 8:21 am

Thinking about comedy shows this morning and I highly recommend a Canadian comedy called CANADIA 2056. It has a bigger crew than Cabin Pressure with their idiosyncrasies. Sexy computer thrown in as well. It's quite brilliant.

Are you able to provide a link to CANADIA 2056, I'd like to listen but the Astronaut Zombie site that used to host the MP3 files appears long gone. Thanks!

I'll provide it for Joker to polish up and share when I get the chance. Joker will know where to look.

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