Meet a masseuse who likes to ensure her clients are relaxed and a cleaning lady who knows her place

Tim Vincent’s Mum checks into a hotel – and all the way from Las Vegas, Candi Karmel the 80-year-old diva who can’t stop performing.

Meet Daisy, the chattering public school girl’s, parents and find out why the Mona Lisa has been dumped by the Laughing Cavalier.

Plus, a Police Officer who can’t find the right words, a street survey that probes too far and Candi Karmel’s sister makes an appearance.

Peter Andre is revealed as the most dangerous man on Earth.

Posh privately educated teenagers Daisy and Maisie show prospective parents around their school.

Joanna Lumley visits her mother with a Christmas present and the Mona Lisa lets us into a secret.

Characters galore courtesy of Lucy Montgomery.

With Philip Pope, Sally Grace, Waen Shepherd and Natalie Walter