Comedian, actor, singer and presenter Jayde Adams is eavesdropping on local gossip and grumbling.

Welcome To The Neighbourhood invites a different guest each week to join Jayde for a deep-dive into listeners’ submissions from the well-meaning, but often feisty world of community WhatsApp groups, message boards and apps. They’ll also discuss the quirks of their guest’s hometown, and its most iconic online beefs. This radio show and podcast sifts through a hotbed of (largely unintentional) hilarity and discovers comedy gold concerned with graffiti-daubed wheelie bins, stray cats, e-scooters and more.

Jayde Adams says: “Whether in Bristol, the Big Smoke or beyond, you wouldn’t believe how much of a hot topic things can become between neighbours – raucous hot tub parties, garish garden gnomes, errant parking choices, the list goes on. Send in your most mind-boggling examples of virtual over-the-fence fallouts, we can’t wait to read them!”